If there were a bandwagon riding through the streets of Estate Planning-ville, the banner on the side would say “Revocable Living Trust.” So why are so many people jumping on this bandwagon? In other words, why are revocable trusts so popular as an estate planning tool? The quick answer is […]
A power of attorney is an important estate planning document that can be used in a variety of ways. Some uses are a matter of convenience, but others can have a huge impact on the lives of individuals and families. Often, a power of attorney is referred to as “durable.” […]
When you execute your Last Will & Testament in Texas, you are required to observe quite a few formalities. So with a document this official, it’s natural to wonder whether it can be changed. Unlike certain types of trusts, which cannot be changed or revoked, your will can be changed. […]
Your parents may not be old yet, but they are getting older—we all are. The time to consider plans for both emergencies and eventual transitions is now, before the need arises. When you wait to talk to your parents about making plans, they can feel pressured and confused. In those […]
Survivorship is not a topic that gets discussed much around the dinner table. In fact, people who have not had to deal first-hand with survivorship rights have often never even heard the term before. However, the concept is extremely important and can affect people in various circumstances. It is important […]